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Dubai announces ‘face mask exemption’ permits for people with certain medical conditions

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The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) in partnership with Dubai Police announced today that residents with certain medical conditions can now apply for permits for exemption from wearing face masks.

DHA’s General Medical Committee Office will evaluate the applications, which must include a medical report confirming the applicant suffers from medical problems that can be aggravated by face masks.

Those who fall under specific categories may apply on a system developed by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and Dubai Police using the following website:

People suffering from the following medical conditions are eligible to apply, according to WAM:
• Fungal dermatitis, especially if they have severe symptoms in the face like bleeding, itching and scaly skin.
• Those allergic to any component of a mask (allergic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, contact urticaria).
• Individuals with severe herpes simplex infection that affects the mouth, nose or face.
• Individuals with acute and uncontrolled chronic sinusitis.
• Patients with uncontrolled asthma.
• People of Determination who have mental and psychological conditions.

The Committee will evaluate the request and accompanying medical documents against certain criteria and conditions. The application will be processed within five days.

The validity of the exemption granted to an applicant will depend on his or her health condition.

Despite this, authorities still urge resident who may be exempt to wear face masks while in public places, if possible, in order to protect themselves and others from the risk of infection.

Staff Report

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