
Man proposes to his girlfriend through video game

How far would you go in the name of love?

Are you the lovestruck kind like this man who proposed to his girlfriend with the help of a video game he created.

Denis Wells developed a 2D video game just to hear his girlfriend’s ‘yes.’

Wells revealed that it took him nine months to develop the video game for his proposal to girlfriend Cheyenne, Mashable reported.

“I learned game development and pixel art, then completed my first 2D platformer in 9 months, all in the name of love,” Wells said

He secretly filmed the 15 minute video of his girlfriend playing the game.

The 2D side-scroller game shows Cheyenne’s virtual character navigating various places and times, and interacting with people before her final conversation with the virtual Denis. It ends with – “Will you marry me?”.

Watch the video here:

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