
Billy Crawford responds to ‘too thin due to drugs’ comments

TV host and singer Billy Crawford has adressed the issues hounding his weight loss and speculations that he may he sick or into drugs.

Billy said that he is now celebrating a year of sobriety. He said that cutting cigarettes and alcohol in his life made him happier.

“Yesterday was my first year anniv since I stopped drinking, not one lick since,” Billy said in an Instagram post during a Halloween party last week.

He also addressed those who are calling him too thin and sickly.

“Everyone says I lost too much weight and I’m ‘too thin’ etc. I am NOT sick NOT on drugs just pure happiness and sober!” Billy explained.

Billy started his weight loss journey back in 2018 before he was about to marry girlfriend Coleen Garcia

Bill also credited his weight loss to ketogenic diet where a person cuts all the carbs on diet and rely on protein-based diet.

Staff Report

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