Internationally-renowned Filipino fashion designer Michael Cinco has recently launched his latest collection ‘The Impalpable Dream of Imperial Russia’ that he showcased during a shoot at Russia’s iconic Red Square, one of the main tourist attractions in Moscow.
The recipient of the first-ever TFT Rizal Award and 2015 TFT Fashion Designer of the Year shared that his latest shoot focuses on the history and pure royalty of the Tsar. “The collection refers to supreme rulers of Russia in their glorious splendor whose fashion was another means used by the Imperial Russian Royalty to show off their superiority and power, complete with an edgy twist that modernizes royalty which inherited a religious and sumptuary legacy from Byzantium,” shared Cinco.
Cinco, known for his work furthered that he also took inspiration as he reimagined the historical period of Russia that was filled with rich brocades, sartortial styling, grandiosity, and pomp. “A magnificent couture manner of walking the runway in a traditional folk art to a more modern style reflecting old civilizations and bringing to present royalty, from Queens to its Princesses and the spirit of the culture which is the impeccable romantic unique and couture style of Russia,” furthers Cinco.
Audiences were visibly in awe and were impressed of Cinco’s fashion designs as they looked at each of the four outfits that form part of Cinco’s ‘The Impalpable Dream of Imperial Russia’. “There is still a demand for romance and glorious impalpable dreams, perhaps more so these days in a great heritage for the couture craft in the walls of Russia which still survives today,” said Cinco.
Today, Michael Cinco is considered one of the most sought after designers in the world. His designs had been worn by various Hollywood A-Listers like Beyonce, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Kylie Minogue, Christina Aguilera, Mila Kunis and Sofia Vergara among others.
His creations had also been worn by Arab and European royalties as well as the Philippines’ who’s who like Marian Rivera and husband Dingdong Dantes, Julia Baretto, to mention a few.