
‘Religion is never an excuse to hate’ says Catriona Gray

Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray is standing up for equality and fair treatment to the LGBT community after a netizen asked her about religion and her support on the community.

In an Instagram post, Gray shared her excitement about a Facebook live activity and what she learned about the LGBT community in time for Pride month celebration.

A netizen however questioned her why is she supporting the LGBT group if she is a religious person.

Gray who has always been articulate in voicing out her stand on issues said that ‘religion should not be an excuse to hate’.

“My belief as a Christian does not limit me from fighting for the rights of others. I love my God and love my fellow brothers and sisters,” she added.

To sum it up, netizens laud Gray’s response when she said that religion should not be an excuse for anyone to hate other people.

“Religion is never an excuse to hate, put down or act indifferent to the suffering of others. I believe God is love, and I will treat everyone no matter who they are, to best of my ability, with love.”

Staff Report

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