Ph organic rice soon to be distributed in UAE market

Filipinos in the UAE will soon get to enjoy organic rice grown by Filipino farmers back home. The first 10 tons of organic rice have already been shipped from Philippines and will be available in the UAE market in the coming weeks, it was learned

The organic rice was grown through a reintegration program called Dubai EntrePinoy which has launched an initiative called “Adopt a Farm” for farmers of M’lang, North Cotabato.

Organizers recently held a seminar to expand membership of the initiative.

In light of this, over 50 overseas Filipinos workers (OFWs) have expressed interest to be part of the program following an orientation seminar at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO).

“I am proud to see that more and more OFWs engage in social entrepreneurship. This is an indication that EntrePinoy’s vision of becoming a preferred distributor of socially responsible and high-quality Philippine products in the international market is becoming a reality,” said Hyden Restificar, managing partner of EntrePinoy FZE.

“To my fellow OFWs, let us patronize the Dubai EntrePinoy Reintegration Program and help the farmers of M’lang by consuming our own 100% Philippine grown organic rice.”

To know more about the Dubai EntrePinoy Reintegration Program and the investment opportunities it offers, visit their website: www.entrepinoyco.com or send an email to info@entrepinoyco.com.

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