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Students from Abu Dhabi invent device to help trace lost items

Four girls in Abu Dhabi have invented a device to help trace lost items using a smartphone.

A team of four Emirati girl students of the Secondary School of Applied Technology in Abu Dhabi invented a smart device that can be connected to a phone application designed to track and search lost items via Bluetooth.

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It will also help people find their lost items such as jewelry boxes, computers, or any valuable items and while finding a lost item, it releases a light and sound alarm.

The work team – Al Anoud Al Amiri, Aisha Zakaria, Amal Shahla, and Amal Al Nawfali – explained that the device is a small chip that has a tracking feature through the mobile application designated for it. It depends on the GPS for tracking and finding lost items.

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Al Anoud Al Amri said, after the application connects with the device via Bluetooth, information and data are received from the GPS chip which appears through the application, “where it can be placed or pasted with valuables and collectibles to locate them. The application also includes the feature of saving the current location of the device as well as showing movement from one place to another.”

Al Amri also said that the device includes a new feature, which is to emit light and an audio alarm in the event the user, the holder of the application, approaches the device.

Staff Report

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