
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid praises UAE’s government actions towards best recoveries from COVID-19

(WAM) – His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, has emphasized that he is proud of the UAE community, including citizens and residents, who supported the government and showed great societal awareness in adhering to the precautionary instructions and procedures, which contributes to the ultimate goal and guarantees that the UAE will achieve the best recovery once the COVID 19 crisis is over.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid also stressed that the UAE government has proven with the return of business and economic activities in various sectors that it is a future government, which, thanks to its talents, can keep pace with all developments, and is able, thanks to its systems and infrastructure, to adapt to various challenges.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid remarks came while chairing the remote Cabinet meeting, held today, where he confirmed that each individual in the UAE without exception has today a supporting role for national efforts in various sectors, “In the UAE, our aspirations are high … Our motivations are high … More importantly, our government is flexible and proactive … and our team of talented professionals is responsible and dedicated to our goal.”

His Highness added: “The UAE government team is at the forefront… working closely to serve both Emiratis and residents… we continuously improve the services, develop innovative decisions … our goal is to build a bright future for our young generations.”

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His Highness said: “Work in the UAE Government will continue from the field and remotely. We embrace the evolution of work practices to maintain leadership and we will adopt innovative systems and tools.”

During the meeting, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid has approved a number of initiatives and programs that benefit various groups in society, and support many sectors, “We launched the Governance System for the Federal Government Boards to renew the tools of the Federal Government and enhance the workflow within its entities in a transparent manner. We also approved the establishment of “Al Etihad Digital Payments Company,” a national platform for processing digital payments”.

His Highness also stressed that “People of Determination hold a prominent place in UAE’s priorities, “We established an integrated system in cooperation with non-government organizations to ensure that the People of Determination will receive the best care and rehabilitation services”.

Latest government measures to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID 19 During the meeting, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid was briefed on the latest government procedures and decisions that are implemented to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID 19, and their outcomes in various sectors.

Obaid Humaid Al Tayer, Minister of State for Financial Affairs, said that the UAE government has implemented a series of proactive measures and decisions to support suppliers and companies.

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The measures include acceleration of the payments owed to government suppliers, where payments were made within five days, as well as reducing the registration fees, and exemption from renewal fees.

Governance System for the Federal Government Boards In detail, the cabinet has approved during its meeting a series of decisions and initiatives to advance the government work system, and to ensure business continuity and sustainability in various sectors.

The Cabinet has approved the Governance System for the Federal Government Boards, which aims to organize the work of the boards of directors in federal entities, and set up its system.

The system also seeks to set the frameworks, rules and provisions that control the work in the boards in a way that ensures proper performance and transparency. The manual is developed according to the best international practices; however, it is customized to suite the conditions of the UAE.

The system outlines multiple mechanisms that covers the formation of the board of directors, holding meetings, selecting members, determining the responsibilities, defining roles and defining the main committees.

The Cabinet approved the establishment “Al Etihad Digital Payments Company”, a national platform for processing digital payments. The company aims to manage and develop the national digital payments system. It also seeks to achieve healthy competition among digital payment providers and reduce financial burdens on the public, business sectors and government expenses.

The company will contribute to the integration of applications and implementation of federal and local government services to the public and the business sector with unified standards and easy procedures, while maintaining confidentiality of data and customer identities without relying on non-national systems and platforms.

An integrated system for non-government organizations responsible for People of Determination rehabilitation services The Council has approved a decision on the system of non-government organizations to ensure that the People of Determination will receive the best care and rehabilitation services.

The system ensures that People of Determination enjoy their right to high-quality rehabilitation, education and training services through an integrated system.

The system allows NGOs to adopt their own methods and keep their own structure.

Remuneration Criteria to workers in vital jobs during emergency conditions The Cabinet has approved the remuneration criteria for those working in vital jobs, as stated in the Cabinet decision number 19 of 2020 regarding the organization of government work during emergency conditions.

The remuneration will be limited to those in vital jobs in the Ministry of Health and Prevention, this includes medical staff only, in appreciation of the pivotal role they play in countering the COVID 19.

Among the criteria that the work period under the emergency condition must exceed two months.

Formation of the management committee for the “Education Support Fund”

The Cabinet has approved the formation of the management committee for the “Education Support Fund” to support community development programs by providing additional financial resources.

The management committee is chaired by Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi, Minister of Education and includes in its membership the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education for Supervision and Support Services, a representative of the Ministry of Presidential Affairs, and a representative of the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs and the Future.

Approving the statute of Emirates Post The Cabinet has approved the statute of Emirates Post to enhance its performance. The statute includes all the provisions regulating the company, its head office and branches, whether inside or outside the UAE, the issuance of shares and the increase or decrease of the company’s capital, and the issuance of bonds.

Joining the Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification The Cabinet has agreed to join the Strasbourg Agreement concerning the International Patent Classification (IPC), the Strasbourg Agreement lies under WIPO, the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation.

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