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Netizens react to 0/2 results of social worker SPLE held in UAE, Singapore

For illustrative purposes only

Netizens expressed varied opinions on the recently conducted Social Worker Special Licensure Exams (SPLE) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, and Singapore after it was announced that no one passed out of the two examinees in June 2024.

The result was announced on July 8 by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), which garnered various reactions from social media users.

“The [PRC] announces that no one passed out of the 2 examinees in the Special Professional Licensure Examination for Social Workers given by the Board for Social Workers in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates and Singapore last June 2024. The members of the Board for Social Workers who gave the licensure examination are Hon. Lorna C. Gabad, Chairman; Hon. Rosetta G. Palma, Hon. Fe J. Sinsona and Hon. Ely B. Acosta, Members,” the PRC said.

The SPLE is an initiative of the PRC to allow overseas Filipino workers to take their licensure exams overseas without needing to go back to the Philippines.

While some netizens expressed shock and dismay over the results, saying it was impossible that no one passed the exams; others also sent messages of support to the OFW exam takers.

Licensure exams made more accessible to OFWs

A social media user also lauded the initiative of conducting the licensure exams abroad, making it more accessible to the OFWs.

“Only 2 examinees took the special exam and no one passed. It’s good that the Board of [Social Workers is] reaching out to those interested but out of the country.. congratulations [on] this initiative,” one commenter said.

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Meanwhile, other netizens also commended the courage of the examinees, despite not meeting the passing score.

“No exam is easy, but regardless of the results for everyone who took it, be happy and proud because you did your best to pass. Even if your hard work didn’t pay off this time, you will pass the exam next time. Don’t lose hope, trust yourself. You can do it,” a social media user wrote.

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“It’s okay takers, The important thing is that you dare to try, don’t lose hope. sending hugs,” another one said.

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Moreover, one netizen called on the government to take actions to attract more people to become social workers.

“There were only 2 examinees, so no one passing is no big deal. However, the government should offer incentives to entice more people to become social workers,” he said.

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A Facebook fan page PRC Board, which reposted the exam results, gained 63,000 reactions, 17,000 shares, and 2,000 comments as of writing.

The PRC and the Migrant Workers Office in Dubai and Northern Emirates announced in May that they would hold special licensure exams for the OFWs in various professions, including architects, CPAs, chemical engineers, chemists, civil engineers, electronics engineers, electronics technicians, interior designers, master plumbers, mechanical engineers, medical technologists, physical therapists, psychometricians, professional teachers, radiologic technologists, real estate brokers, registered electrical engineers, registered master electricians, veterinarians, and x-ray technologists.

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