
French gov't tells public to stop greeting with 'kisses'

French health minister Oliver Veran has advised the public to stop the customary greeting by ‘kissing’ each other to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus disease. 
Veran urged people to cut back on the iconic “la bise”.
Apart from kissing, health officials also advised the public to avoid shaking hands.
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At least 100 people have been infected by COVID-19 in France, two have died while 12 have recovered as of Saturday. 
“The reduction in social contacts of a physical nature is advised. That includes the practice of the bise,” he said. 
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The French government also ordered a ban on public gatherings of more than 5,000 people to prevent the virus spread.
“These measures are temporary and we will likely have to revise them.They are restrictive and paradoxically we hope they don’t last long because that means we will have contained the virus’ spread,” he added.

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