
Woman in viral video apologizes to Filipina she insulted

The woman from the viral video circulating on Facebook issued an apology after Insulting a Filipina in a parking lot in Portland, Oregon.

The Filipina, Selina Cairel, uploaded the video on her social media to expose the racism of the woman identified as Sierra Measelle.

“Before you say anything, you might wanna make sure you’re actual legal,” Measelle says in the video.

The incident happened on September 11 when Measelle mocked Cairel in an Asian accent saying, “She’s Asian, she can’t see that’s why she can’t drive.”

Cairel said that she was upset about the incident.

“I never let this pass and wanna make sure this kind of behavior is seen and how people of color encounter this all the time,” she said in her post.

The video, which had been viewed over two million times, drew the anger of many netizens. Some apologized on behalf of the racist woman.

“I’m sorry you experienced this awful behavior in Portland. This person does not represent the vast majority of Portland residents and is offensive to all people. I hope your experiences without this horrible person are significantly better,”

Meanwhile, Measelle apologized in her Instagram account, saying that she let emotions get the better of her.

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However, some still doubt Measelle’s sincerity in the apology,

“They always want to (expletive) apologize because they’re scared of losing their jobs not because what they did was wrong,” said one commenter.

“I just hope your apology was not because you were outed, but because you were really ashamed and repentant,” said another.

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