A video shared by Dubai Police urging drivers in the UAE to avoid using mobile phones while driving has garnered widespread attention on social media, with users lauding the force for its proactive efforts.
In an Instagram post, Dubai Police released a video showing a motorist about to answer a call while driving, only to pause when he sees a powerful message displayed on the back of a police car: “Is this call really more important than your life?”
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Gaining 85.5K likes and 2.3 million views, social media users have praised this approach, calling it an innovative and impactful message that they hope will inspire drivers to value the importance of road safety.
The Dubai Police have been active on their social media, warning drivers against distracted driving as it poses risks to both the lives of drivers and pedestrians.
Smart Police
Meanwhile, the force is also recognized for its commitment to integrating smart technology in its efforts to enhance public safety and enforce traffic regulations.
Smart radars have been installed across Dubai roads which can detect not only speeding violations, but also other traffic violations including mobile phone use. These radars operate ‘silently,’ unlike other radars that visibly flash when a violation occurs.
Using a hand-held mobile phone while driving incurs a fine of 800 AED and results in 4 black points on the driver’s license, according to Federal Traffic Law.
Accumulating 24 black points can lead to license suspension for a specific duration.