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UAE extends work permit duration to three years in major policy change

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has recently made substantial modifications to the duration of work permits granted within the country.

Acting upon recommendations from the Federal National Council (FNC) Committee on Financial, Economic, and Industrial Affairs, the UAE government has decided to extend the active period of work permits from two years to three years.

This change aims to address practical concerns and streamline the work permit system. It is worth noting that working without a valid work permit in the UAE remains illegal.

The FNC committee submitted a report suggesting the increase in work permit duration, which received approval from the Federal National Council.

The move comes in response to the financial burden associated with the application and issuance process. The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) will continue to supply the necessary documents for workers in the country.

In addition to the extension of work permit duration, other recommendations put forth in the report have been approved by the FNC. One notable proposal is the waiver of work permit fees for individuals looking to change jobs. This measure aims to ease financial constraints and provide more flexibility in the job market.

Moreover, the FNC has approved the requirement for workers to spend a minimum of one year with an employer after completing their probationary period. However, it is important to highlight that this requirement can be waived if both the employee and the employer mutually agree. This flexibility aims to accommodate the evolving needs of workers and foster a harmonious work environment.

These significant changes in the UAE’s work permit policies demonstrate the government’s commitment to creating a more favorable and efficient work environment. The extended duration, along with the proposed waiver of work permit fees for job changes and flexibility in the employer commitment period, aims to attract skilled individuals, stimulate economic growth, and enhance overall prosperity within the UAE.

Staff Report

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