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Aquinos mark Benigno Ninoy Aquino’s 90th birthday

The family of Ninoy Aquino paid tribute to the 90th birth anniversary of the late martyr who was born on Sunday, November 27.

A mass was held in remembrance of the birthday of former Senator Aquino Jr. Ninoy’s grandchild, Kiko Dee, thanked the public on behalf of the family for joining the celebration in a video message.

“I wish I could share with you some personal story about our Lolo, but sadly, none of us grandchildren ever got to know him personally. Instead, we learn about him through the stories of our parents, Tito Noy, and Lola Cory, and like most Filipinos, we also learn new things about him from our school teachers, public historians, and even Google,” he said.

“This is why days like Lolo Ninoy’s birthday and death anniversary can sometimes make me feel insecure: I’m his grandson, but there’s still so much I don’t know about him,” he added.

Ninoy served as senator from 1967 to 1972. He was shot dead at the Manila International Airport on August 21, 1983.

“This past year, people have been asking our family what the plan is to fight the disinformation about Lolo Ninoy, Lola Cory, Tito Noy, and our country’s shared story of democracy,” he said.

“It’s an enormous question. But for me, the first step involves admitting my ignorance about their stories, about our country’s story, and encountering it through the things they’ve left behind,” Kiko continued.

Ninoy’s grandson vowed to continue sharing the story and legacy of his grandfather.

“Today is Lolo Ninoy’s 90th birthday. Next year will be his 40th death anniversary. In days that follow, may we work to do justice to his memory,” he said.

Staff Report

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