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Dubai, Abu Dhabi rank among first 10 cities globally favored by digital talent

The cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi have ranked among the first 10 attractive cities globally for digital talent.

In the global survey of 9,900 digital workers in the latest episode of the BCG Decoding Global Talent series, Dubai and Abu Dhabi moved to sixth and ninth place in the list of the 10 most attractive cities for digital talent in the world.

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Dubai jumped 6 places, Abu Dhabi 9 places, while London retained the lead. In the study, Singapore took second place, Amsterdam ranked third, Berlin slipped to fourth place, followed by Tokyo, while New York and Sydney ranked sixth and seventh. Barcelona ranked tenth after Abu Dhabi as New York dropped 6 places and Barcelona lost 5 places.

As per the survey the digital workers have emerged from the economic turmoil of the past two years unscathed and are eager to explore new options.

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Around 9,900 respondents working in the digital fields were among the 209,000 people in 190 countries surveyed in the ongoing series. (AW)

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