More than half of Filipinos said their quality of life got worse in the past year, the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey released Tuesday.
According to the SWS survey conducted from September 12 to 16 this year, 57 percent said their life got worse over the past 12 months, while 29 percent said it was the same and 13 percent said it got better.
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This results in a net gainer score of -44 which is considered to be “extremely low”. This is also 13 points lower than the -31 score recorded in June 2021.
The net gainer score dropped in all areas in the country, most notably in Metro Manila which scored -51, which the SWS considers as “catastrophic”.
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A drop in the net gainer score was also recorded in Balance Luzon (from -27 to -41), Visayas (from -40 to -46), and Mindanao (from -31 to -47).
The survey covers 1,200 response dents aged 18 years old and above nationwide, with sampling error margins of ±3 percent for national percentages. (NM)