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Entry restrictions placed at Manila Bay’s dolomite beach after heavy rush

Following heavy crowd at Manila Bay’s dolomite beach restrictions for entry of people at the facility have kicked in.

The beach closed for at least an hour after some 4,000 people have visited the area as of early Sunday.

RELATED STORY: Gov’t wants to make Dolomite beach ‘swimmable’ by end of Duterte’s term 

In the first week after it reopened at least 25,000 people have visited Manila Bay dolomite after the capital region was placed under Alert Level 3.

The beach measures around 1.2 hectares or 12,000 square meters.

The beach will be closed to the public on Friday for maintenance work. At the site swimming remains prohibited as the bay’s chloroform levels have yet to reach the safety standard.

READ ON: Manila’s Dolomite beach reopens for public

Jacob Meimban Jr, deputy executive director of Manila Bay Coordinating Office said authorities have extended up to 300 meters the area that is open to the public.

He said the number of Marshals reminding the public to observe physical distancing has been doubled. (AW)

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