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Noli De Castro bids farewell to ABS-CBN, seeks senate seat

Teleradyo photo

Former Vice President and veteran broadcaster Kabayan Noli De Castro is making a political come comeback.

“Ito ang huling araw ko sa Teleradyo,” the TV Patrol anchor said.

De Castro served as vice president in 2004 and will return to politics after an 11-year break.

He will take oath under Aksyon Demokratiko, Isko Moreno’s political party.

This will be the second time De Castro will be running for senator. He topped the senatorial race in 2001.

In an ABS-CBN News report, De Castro authored 252 bills including the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2002, Balikbayan Law of 2002, Quarantine Act and Newborn Screening Test Act of 2001.

He was also the vice president of former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

Staff Report

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