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Viral ‘handsome’ priest: ‘Yours truly is old, pictures trending are from younger years’

Fr. Ferdinand Santos shared on his Facebook page his latest photo (left) and said that photos from his youth (right) that went viral were either altered or photoshopped to make him look young.

“Yours truly is old.”

Fr. Ferdinand Santos, who recently went viral over his “handsome and young” appearance, had this to say Tuesday as he clarified that the pictures of him trending on social media were from his younger years. Others were photoshopped or altered.

“Here’s all sorts of things going on out there, including people talking about how there’s this ‘young’ priest who’s come home. Heavens! That would be great! Young at heart, hopefully forever, yes” Santos said in a Facebook post.

“Ladies and gentlemen, yours truly is old! And dang proud of it!!! The photos people have drawn from my page span 17 years!” he added.

Santos accompanied the post with an updated picture of him which he took on Tuesday.

“I’ve been a Roman Catholic priest for 22 amazing years and I’ve been happy and fulfilled in every single one of them,” Santos said.

“It’s a truly blessed life, because one is able to help people, to bring them to God, and to be a reminder to them, and to the whole world, that there’s so much more to life than constantly running after things that will never fully satisfy us no matter how much of them we amass for ourselves,” he added.

After photos of Santos went viral online, some netizens questioned the authenticity of the picture—with some even claiming that they were altered. (NM)

Staff Report

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