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Nas Daily loses nearly 700K followers after Whang-Od controversy

The Facebook page of Nas Daily has continued to lose followers—though now slowing down—in light of the controversy surrounding tattoo master Apo Whang-Od.

It was on August 4 when the controversy surfaced after Whang-Od’s grandniece Gracia Palicas earlier called the online tattoo course offered by Nas Academy—which features the tattoo artist a “scam”.

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According to Palicas, they were not aware of the supposed contract in relation to the online course. Palicas also expressed concerns that their tribe’s art—the Bubut tribe of Kalinga—and culture are being exploited

Since then, Nas Daily’s Facebook page has experienced a plunge in followers count, losing nearly 690,000 followers in the first week following the controversy.

Data from online website Social Blade shows that the Facebook page experienced its biggest follower count drop on August 5 when it lost 261,403 followers.

READ ON: Anthropology professor weighs in: Nas Daily doesn’t understand Kalinga culture

The day after, August 6, the page lost another 226,148 followers.

As of August 16, the Facebook page has lost 694,910 followers, though the follower count has notably slowed down. (NM)

Staff Report

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