Forest officials in Coorg, Karnataka, India rescued an elephant stuck in a muddy ditch earlier this week. A video of the incident is being shared widely on social media, applauding the officials’ efforts to save the pachyderm.
The elephant accidentally fell into a ditch and found it difficult to climb out of it since it was quite muddy. The animal slipper constantly as he tried to escape, reports said.
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Officials, thereafter, used a JCB Loader to push the elephant slightly and it finally managed to climb out.
As the elephant walked around the area after the rescue operation, officials cheered and burst a firecracker near the JCB Loader.
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Several social media users objected to that but Indian Forest Service Officer Sudha Ramen explained that the cracker was burst for a reason: “To direct the animal into the forest, so that it doesn’t attack anyone due to stress.” (AW)
Saidpur Coorg. God bless them
— satish shah (@sats45) May 19, 2021