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Reused nose swab scam busted in Indonesia airport

Indonesian authorities have arrested several employees of a pharmaceutical company for allegedly washing and reselling used Covid nasal swab test kits.

In a BBC report, at least 9,000 passengers may have been tested using the reused swab sticks based on the police report.

A potential lawsuit is on the horizon for state-owned company Kimia Farma which will be launched by the travellers.

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Swab testing has become routine in many countries due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Police said they believed the scam had been happening since last December at Kualanamu airport in Medan, North Sumatra.

Passengers are required to have a negative test before they can board their flights.

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The said airport had used antigen rapid test kits supplied by Kimia Farma.

Some passengers have filed complaints that they received false-positive test. (TDT)

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