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KNOW THE LAW: AED 3000 (Php 39,600+) fine for illegal transport service in UAE

Motorists in the UAE are reminded not to conduct illegal transport services stating that this could lead to huge fines, traffic points and confiscation of their vehicles.

Colonel Mubarak Awad bin Mahirom, Director of the Transportation Security Department, stated that Abu Dhabi Police have intensified inspection campaigns to reduce such violations.

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A video from the Abu Dhabi Police reveals that the fine for the motorist caught transporting other people will be AED 3,000 and will have 24 black points on his traffic record.

The driver’s vehicle will also be impounded for 30 days following the violation.

READ ON: KNOW THE LAW: AED 1,000 fine, 10 black points for ignoring school bus stop signs in UAE

“Abu Dhabi Police warns of the dangers of transporting passengers in an illegal manner and its negative repercussions on their safety and security, and urged private vehicle drivers not to carry out the activity of transporting passengers without permission from the competent authorities,” said the statement.

Authorities also called on the public to avoid patronizing these illegal activities and to only used approved, licensed modes of transportation for everyone’s safety.

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