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OFW appeals to Pres. Duterte to rescue kids ‘abducted’ by social workers in Australia

An overseas Filipino worker based in Australia is seeking the help of President Rodrigo Duterte and Foreign Affairs Secretary Teddyboy Locsin Jr.’s to recover his two children who were taken under custody of social workers from the New South Wales six years ago.

Innocencio Garcia, a Filipino national in Australia, said his kids were abducted by social workers from the New South Wales Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) back in 2014, reported the Philippine Star.

The OFW who has been living in Australia for 25 years said that DCJ acting case manager Kayleigh Wotherspoon illegally went to his home in Whalan, New South Wales and kidnapped his daughter Jennifer and son James who were then aged three-and-a-half and two-and-a-half years old, respectively,

Garcia said that it originated from their request to investigate the uncle of his children’s mother for an alleged sexual abuse case.

He however lamented that the DCJ changed the course of the investigation.

“They diverted their focus to kidnapping my two children whom I love so much, and care so much, and who I had fed well, contrary to the allegations that they are suffering from abuse and malnutrition,” he said in a report on the Philippine Star.

Garcia said that after the abduction of his two children, DCJ allegedly fabricated allegations of domestic violence against him.

But the OFW denied this saying, “I am a good father to my four children, I work so hard to provide them a decent life,” Garcia added.

Staff Report

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