
Friday the 13th: How to ward off bad luck on this ‘unlucky’ day

The fear of a Friday that falls on the 13th day of a month is widely accepted, but there are ways to ward off your bad luck. Here are some of them:

  • Wearing clothes inside out is believed to bring good luck.
  • Looking at the new moon over the right shoulder could bring good luck and over the left one bad luck.
  • Sleep with your head facing south to ensure good health and fortune.
  • Walking in the rain can be a sign of good luck.
  • Carry acorns, the fruit of the sturdy oak tree, in your pocket.

The English-speaking world remains full of stories on the bad luck to the Friday. 

Both Friday and the number 13 are traditionally regarded as unlucky and it has well established along the Mediterranean by the start of the Christian era. 

The unsettling power of the numerals gained prominence through the story of the Last Supper, which was attended by Jesus Christ and his disciples on Maundy Thursday.  

On the 13-th most infamous guest to arrive, Judas Iscariot, was the disciple who betrayed Jesus, leading to his crucifixion on Good Friday.

The belief, however, stretches back even further than the crucifixion as Friday is said to be the day that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and the day Cain murdered his brother, Abel.

 It is also the day the Temple of Solomon was toppled and the day Noah’s ark set sail in the Great Flood.

Staff Report

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