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WATCH: Cat safely jumps out from five-storey building

A cat has nine lives, and a black cat who survived a jump from a five-storey building just proved this to be true.

A rescue operation video of the Chicago Fire Department which has been shared widely on social media, shows a feline jumping off a five-storey building, landing on its feet, and walking away with an unimaginable grace!

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A fire broke out in a building at the 65th and Lowe in Chicago, United States. The fire department immediately rushed to the place of the incident.

As the Chicago Fire Department personnel were shooting the ongoing rescue operations, a small black cat appeared at one of the broken windows.

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Before any fire personnel could realize what was going on, the cat, within seconds, jumped from the high-rise building to a nearby grassy area. The video captured the cat landing on its feet after a little bounce due to the impact of force and running immediately ran away to hide under a nearby parked car. (AW)

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