
Philippine Consulate in Dubai celebrates International Women’s Day 2019

The Philippine Consulate in Dubai spearheaded a program as part of the celebrations of the International Women’s Day last March 8.

Themed, “Women and the balance of a Global Migrant Society”, The program was led by Consul General Paul Raymund Cortes together with his spouse, Dr. Yasmin Balajadia-Cortes , head of the Filipino Ladies of Dubai, and was held at the Philippine Consulate grounds with more than 100 ladies and guests from the Filipino community  in attendance.

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The day started with an inspirational talk on women empowerment led by Jijie Zablan and Cherry Pye Zablan who showcased the different personas that a woman might have. This was then followed by a book reading session of the Disrupt 3.0 moderated by Lou Parroco that saw a few of the Filipino women leaders and co-authors of the book read their excerpts including Mary Jane Alvero, Cristina Calaguian, Rachel Salinel, Roxane Negrillo, and Wafa Qasimieh.

The program also included a wholistic yoga session led by the BYS Discovery Gardens community as well as a film showing of the movie “Rosario”.

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There’s also an ongoing Facebook competition for the chance to win a copy of Disrupt 3.0: Filipino Women: Rising. Head to the link for the details.

Staff Report

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