
Michelle Dee calls Miss World experience ‘absolutely amazing’

Michelle Dee reflected and called her Miss World considers her Miss World stint a learning experience.

In an Instagram post, Dee said that Miss World made her a better, stronger and wiser person.

“As I’ve said time and again, everything happens for a reason,” she said.

Dee finished in the Top 12 of the international pageant out of the more than a hundred contestants.

“We all stood on that stage driven by passion and a unified goal to make this world a better place in our own ways,” she added.

Dee then thanked on everyone who helped her during her competition in Miss World.

“I definitely wouldn’t have made it this far without all of you, so thank you so much for your overwhelming support. You were my strength, my purpose, my anchor, and it gives me so much pride to be called Filipino,” she added.

“We definitely showed the world what we had to offer as one nation and I hope I made you all proud. I can’t wait to see you all back home,” the Pinay beauty queen added.

Dee finished on the Top 12 of Miss World 2019.

Staff Report

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