‘Heed the laws of the host country’ – Congen tells OFWs

Consul General Paul Raymund Cortes said overstaying overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in the UAE, who have been given another chance to stay in the country through a six-month window of opportunity to look for jobs, should not abuse this kind gesture by the host government.

Cortes said they should turn themselves in, as advised by authorities, if they failed to get employment, and not go back into hiding where they risk losing yet again another chance, this time, to start anew by going home and coming back clean.

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“Heed the laws of the host country. We need to respect what the policies of the UAE are,” Cortes said.

According to him, there was a total of 10,500 overstayers who attended the Consulate General’s daily briefings for the duration of the amnesty program which took effect from Aug. 1, 2018 to Dec. 31, 2019.

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Staff Report

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