
GUIDE: Registration for residents outside UAE for 'Resident's Entry Permit' through ICA Smart Services

The UAE has officially announced that it will soon allow individuals with valid UAE residence visas to come back to the country starting June 1.
UAE’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC) and the Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship (ICA) stated that residents need to register at the website: to secure a permit titled ‘Residents’ Entry Permit’ before the resident will be allowed entry to the country.
Here are the steps:
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1. Register at using your Emirates ID details.
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2. Once registered, log in with your details at the website and from the Main Menu, click ‘Contact Us’, and then click ‘Public Services’.
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3. Locate the option ‘Other Services – Residents Outside UAE – Entry Permission – Issue’, then click ‘Start Service’
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4. Fill out all the necessary details.
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5. Attach reason of visit outside UAE. Website states that for visits – UAE residents can attach their flight tickets instead.
6. Review all details for accuracy.
7. Submit your application and secure your request number that you can use to track your permit application.
8. Track your permit application by selecting the option: ‘Tracking for Public Service’
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Staff Report

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