
Foreign Affairs chief rejects calls to restore death penalty

Foreign Affairs Secretary Teddy Boy Locsin Jr. expressed opposition to bring back the death penalty for heinous and drug related crimes.

On Twitter, a netizen asked Locsin about some lawmakers’ proposal to bring back death penalty to the country.


Since Sen. Bato mentioned about pushing the Death Penalty. How was this high profile case embraced by the Nation that year? #yestodeathpenalty,” a netizen asked.

The tweet was accompanied by frontpages of old newspapers featuring the controversial Maggie Dela Riva’s case.

Riva was kidnapped and raped in 1967 four men. Three out of four suspects were sentenced to death.

“Public screaming for blood. I was a teen. Among accused: George Tillman, grade school classmate—poor boy run over going to school, near crippled, emerged as accused. Jaime Jose, son of old family friend. Nightmare case for Maggie & PH society. I am against the Death Penalty,” Locsin said in a tweet.

Senator-elect Ronald Bato Dela Rosa has vowed to push for the death penalty for drug-related crimes.

Dela Rosa added that punishment for drug related crims should be through public execution.

“‘Gawing public. ‘Yung gawing katakot takot yung ginagawa yung firing squad sa plaza covered by the media, Covered live,” Dela Rosa said in an event in Quezon City.

Staff Report

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