A ten-year-old boy from Talisay City, Cebu tragically passed away after an illegal firecracker known as “Goodbye Philippines” exploded during New Year’s Eve celebrations.
According to a report from Cebu Daily News, a 20-year-old man was setting off the “Goodbye Philippines” firecracker just moments before the explosion. The victims—two 10-year-olds, an 8-year-old, and a 16-year-old—were watching nearby when the incident occurred.
One of the firecrackers malfunctioned and failed to ignite properly. According to reports, the victims took it home, where the 16-year-old attempted to fix it. He poured out the gunpowder, covered it with broken tiles and rocks, and along with the others, struck it with a large rock.
When the firecracker finally exploded, it was so powerful that it sent debris, including tiles and rocks, flying into the air. The explosion resulted in the tragic incident.
The Talisay City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) quickly responded after receiving reports of multiple injuries. Upon arrival, they found the 10-year-old victim lying lifeless, while others were severely injured.
Joel Sisa, operations head of Talisay City’s CDRRMO, confirmed that four victims were struck by debris. The 16-year-old suffered injuries to his testicle, one of the 10-year-olds sustained a knee injury, and the 8-year-old was hurt in his eye, buttocks, and other parts of his body.
The 10-year-old boy tragically died instantly when sharp debris pierced his chest, injuring his heart.
Authorities are now actively pursuing the 20-year-old man who allegedly fled the scene following the explosion.