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Abu Dhabi Police urge motorists to give priority to pedestrians; warn of AED500 fine

Screengrabbed from Abu Dhabi Police/FB

The Abu Dhabi Police has called on drivers to give priority to pedestrians in places designated for their crossing after a traffic accident that nearly hit three pedestrians.

In a social media post, the police shared a video of an accident at a pedestrian crossing, where a distracted driver crashed into a taxi and almost hit three pedestrians crossing the road.

“The Traffic and Security Patrols Directorate called on drivers to pay attention and not to be distracted by anything other than the road when vehicles stop at pedestrian crossings and to commit to reducing speeds,” it said.

The Abu Dhabi police also warned of the AED500 fine and 6 traffic points imposed on drivers who “fail to give priority to pedestrians in places designated for their crossing.”

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