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PSA: Unemployed Filipinos soared to 2.04 million in April

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reported that the number of Filipinos without jobs or livelihoods increased for the second straight month in April.

The PSA reported that the increase in unemployment was triggered by the effects of the El Niño phenomenon especially in the agriculture sector.

The PSA said the number of jobless individuals, ages 15 and above, rose to 2.04 million in April from 2 million in March.

The number of unemployed this year is slightly lower than last year. There were 2.26 million jobless persons in April 2023.

The number of underemployed is equivalent to 7.04 million. These people “have expressed the desire to have additional hours of work in their present job or to have additional jobs, or to have a new job with long hours of work.”

Staff Report

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