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Weather update: Fair to partly cloudy day ahead with possibility of light rainfall over some areas in UAE

The National Center of Meteorology (NCM) has reported that residents in the UAE can expect a fair to partly cloudy day ahead, with the temperature continuing to rise.

The mercury is predicted to touch 42ºC in Mezaira, while in Abu Dhabi, the barometer could reach as high as 38ºC and 36ºC in Dubai.

Meanwhile, some western and southern areas can expect cloudy skies and a probability of light rainfall.

The NCM also recorded the lowest temperature in the country today morning, which was 13.4°C in Raknah (Al Ain) at 05:30 UAE local time.

The NCM reminds everyone to stay hydrated and take necessary precautions when going outside, especially during the hottest parts of the day. The center also advises the public to stay updated with the latest weather reports and follow the guidelines provided by authorities.

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