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Dubai to charge 0.25 fils on single-use plastic bags from July 1

The authorities in Dubai announced a new policy to impose tariffs on single-use plastic bags.

Starting July 1, the retail, textile and electronic stores, as well as restaurants and pharmacies, will charge 25 fils on single-use bags at counters and the tariff will also be applicable to e-commerce deliveries.

The policy will be evaluated “over several stages” until single-use carrier bags are completely banned within two years with the Executive Council of Dubai citing a survey that said 100 percent of businesses support introducing a total ban or imposition of a charge on single-use bags. About 85 percent of Dubai’s residents said they would support the move as well and the Dubai Executive Council said the policy would enhance environmental sustainability and encourage individuals to reduce the use of plastics.

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“With sustainability becoming a global priority, changing the behaviour of the community to reduce the environmental footprint of individuals is crucial to preserve natural resources and environmental habitats. The changes will ultimately contribute to a healthier environment, which is vital to maintaining a sustainable and high quality of life,” the Council said.

Tariff on single-use bags is currently in effect in over 30 countries and a partial or complete ban has been implemented in more than 90 countries globally, “reflecting the magnitude of international efforts to reduce the consumption of single-use bags”.

Staff Report

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