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77% Filipinos open to learning new skills to retain jobs amidst pandemic

As many as 77% Filipinos see that learning new skills is essential for different types of jobs in the present pandemic scenario, while 22% are “open to it if necessary” and 1% are not willing to be retained, according to a survey conducted by hiring giant JobStreet. 

The “Decoding Talent Survey” found that 82% of those without formal education were open to retraining, while 81% of people 31 to 40 years old are willing to learn new skills, reported Rappler.  

The need for “staying competitive” in the job market was the reason given by survey respondents for seeking retraining, as the pandemic had forced industries to even depend on their employees working from home, JobStreet Philippines country manager Philip Gioca said, adding that with job roles transforming speedily, hirers and candidates were understanding the need for upskilling in becoming more competitive and employable. 

The survey also noted that learning preferences among Filipino workers remained “traditional” with on-the-job training at 70%, followed by self-studiers at 63%, and participants of conferences or seminars at 56%. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

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