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Pacquiao bares list of corrupt agencies

Senator Manny Pacquiao has bared more government agencies allegedly linked to corruption.

In a press briefing on Saturday, Pacquiao said the corrupt agencies include the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), and the Department of Energy (DoE).

Pacquiao presented several stacks of documents on his desk which he said contained evidence that backed his claim on the alleged corruption in government agencies he mentioned.

He alleged that DOE had given a private company named Independent Electricity Market Operator of the Philippines (IEMOP) the power to become an independent electricity stock market operator.

RELATED STORY: Duterte challenges Pacquiao to name corrupt offices: ‘If you fail to do that, I will campaign against you’

Moreover, he said the contract awarded to IEMOP did not go through a bidding process.

“Alam niyo po ba na sa DOE per kilowatt hour na binabayaran ng Pilipino e may halos kalahating sentimo na napupunta sa isang pribadong company na tinayo sa pamamagitan na Php7,000 na paid-up capital?” Pacquaio asked.

“Bilyon-bilyon ang halaga sa kamay ng kompanyang Independent Electricity Market Operator of the Philippines na binigyan ng kapangyarihan ng DOE bilang independent electricity stock market operator,” he furthered.

The energy department is headed by Alfonso Cusi, who also serves as the party vice-chairman of the ruling PDP-Laban, where Pacquiao also serves as acting president.

The boxing icon turned senator did not provide more details nor mentioned names.

It comes days after he alleged that the Department of Health is riddled with corruption under the Duterte administration.

Meanwhile, the lawmaker said he would hand in all evidence he has gathered from various sources to President Rodrigo Duterte and the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee.

Pacquiao also reiterated that Duterte is unaware that his administration is riddled with corruption.

READ ON: Duterte tells Pacquiao: ‘Attend Congress, huwag pa-absent-absent’

He also claimed that some of his sources said they are willing to personally testify in any corruption probe that will be conducted by either the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee or the Executive Department.

The lawmaker has accepted President Rodrigo Duterte’s dare to name corrupt officials under his administration.

Duterte said he would campaign against Pacquiao in 2022 polls if the lawmaker fails to drop the names of corrupt officials.

Pacquiao, who is reportedly run for the presidency in 2022, has caught up in a feud within the ruling PDP-Laban where he serves as acting president, while Duterte is the chairman.

The feud between Pacquiao and other members of PDP-Laban when he urged party members to boycott the assemblies held by some top members of the party to push Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte to succeed his father as President in 2022 polls. (RA)

Staff Report

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