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REVEALED: More details on Dubai retail store shut down for violating COVID-19 measures

More details about the retail store shutdown by the Dubai Economy for flouting COVID-19 measures have surfaced.

The Al Rigga branch of the retail store was slapped with AED50,000 in penalty due to the incident that happened last Wednesday. Its store management was also summoned.

“Dubai Economy recently summoned the management of a department store that failed to comply with the precautionary measures against Covid-19, most notably physical distancing, during a discount sale,” the Dubai Media Office said in a tweet.

On social media, some photos and videos of the flash sale show a large crowd thronging the store. In a video, the crowd is seen disregarding the social distancing rules in place.

“The sale had seen visitors thronging the store, ignoring the risk of physical contact,” it added. “Dubai Economy emphasizes the need for all stores in Dubai to commit to the precautionary measures when launching any promotions or discounts.”

In an interview with The National, the co-owner of the retail store explained that they did not expect “such a massive crowd” would come.

He also claimed that they were the ones who reported the incident to the police.

The authorities however reminded that shops must have safety measures and proper protocol in place, in order to avoid such incidents from happening, as it puts the safety of people in danger.

Staff Report

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