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COVID-19: Asymptomatic children ‘more contagious’ than adults – study

Children are now being considered as ‘silent spreaders’ of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) after researchers from the Harvard Medical School found out that children may play a larger role with the COVID-19 community spread.

Researchers examined 192 children, adolescents and young adults who have either shown signs and symptoms related to COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19 positive patients. Of this number, 49 tested positive with 18 more showing late-onset illnesses related to COVID-19.

“Infected children carried high levels of the virus, or viral load, in their respiratory secretions, even children with mild or no symptoms. Age did not affect the ability to carry a high viral load, which is associated with increased risk of transmitting the virus to others,” revealed the study published at The Journal of Pediatrics.

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The study also found out that children who didn’t show any COVID-19 symptoms or those who were asymptomatic during the early infection phase had significantly higher viral loads compared to hospitalized adults with severe COVID-19.

Experts are wary about this new development and raised their concerns, considering the upcoming reopening of schools and educational institutions, daycare centers, and other facilities that see a high footfall among children.

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“I was surprised by the high levels of virus we found in children of all ages, especially in the first two days of infection,” said lead study author Lael Yonker, Harvard Medical School assistant professor of pediatrics at Mass General.

The study also proved that children are not immune from contracting COVID-19. Researchers stating that while children are less likely to become seriously ill, they could still spread the COVID-19 virus into their homes or their schools if they were found to be asymptomatic carriers.

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