
WATCH: Filipina cabin crew members glow up from home routines in TikTok's #DontRushChallenge

A group of Filipina cabin crew members who continue to serve their respective airlines on international waters came together to create their own version of the viral “Don’t Rush Challenge” on TikTok.
Instead of using makeup items like brushes and lipsticks, these Filipinas used their passport that linked their videos together.
Here are the ladies in the video as well as their messages:

1 Marjelle Katrinna Sy
Marjelle Katrinna Sy (Philippine Airlines)
It’s amazing that in the midst of this pandemic, our technology and several social media platforms keeps people connected in many ways. With it, we made sure that we are not only united by our wings, but also by the country we all came from. The group came up with the idea of showcasing only Filipina Flight Attendants across the world with the #DontRushChallenge and it is just so inspiring and at the same time, we were able to send a little message about unity, which we all need.
2 Kristal Mae Mercado
Kristal Mae Mercado (Cebu Pacific)
At first we just made the video for the challenge and for fun also. But later on, when the video got uploaded, I realized it has a deeper meaning. A lot of my friends were saying that they were inspired by this video, most especially those who are aspiring to become a cabin crew as well. I am just happy we got to inspire other people by doing this simple act.
3 Micah Santos
Micah Santos (AirAsia)
Doing the said challenge was definitely fun because I’m not just carrying the name of our airline but I’m also doing it with the collaborative effort of my co-Filipina flight attendants around the world which unites us as one. In time of this pandemic, we shall spread love and good vibes to our family & friends.
4 Emmarie Bilbao
Emmarie Bilbao (United Airlines)
We decided to do this fun video to show our solidarity as flight attendants in this difficult time. Staying at home doesn’t have to be a horrible experience. This was one way to lighten the mood and bring happiness to our flying family.
5 Marie Anne
Marie Anne (Cathay Pacific)
It was a fun way to unite Pinay flight attendants from different airlines and a way to show that we are not alone during this difficult time.
6 Krishiel Pono
Krishiel Pono (Cebu Pacific Air)
Making the video was fun especially doing it with different girls from different airlines. As they say, united by wings.
7 Olive Del Valle
Olive Del Valle (Philippine Airlines)
I love it! The girls were amazing! It’s funny how a silly challenge can be so empowering especially to those who have so much love for flying. The video showed a fun and quirky side of Filipina cabin crews around the globe. Talk about united by wings!
8 Rachel Joyce Manalo
Rachel Joyce Manalo (Emirates)
I’m really overwhelmed to be part of this challenge together with my fellow Filipinas from different airlines. It felt like we’re connected as one, most especially throughout the coronavirus pandemic. I’m also grateful for the lovely comments from the video because we didn’t just make our countrymen proud but they got inspired to become a cabin crew as well. Once again, thank you and Mabuhay tayong lahat! Stay home and stay safe!
The original video that sparked the now-viral Don’t Rush Challenge on TikTok had several ladies initially donning their regular look at their homes as they surprise viewers with their ravishing looks after temporarily blocking their phone’s camera with a makeup tool like a brush or a lipstick. The same makeup tool is them passed on to another person, creating a compilation video once done.
The background music is Young T and Bugsey’s “Don’t Rush” that they launched last November 2019.
Watch their video here:

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