
Citizen spearheads ‘Better Starts Now’ to recognize UAE’s modern-day heroes

For Filipinos, it’s already a real daily challenge to be working at a place away from your families and loved ones. However, a select few always manages to not only rise above that obstacle, but be model citizens to emulate and inspire fellow Filipinos and expats through their works and deeds.

At CITIZEN Watches’ latest campaign “Better Starts Now”, the Japanese watch manufacturer aims to look for these amazing individuals to highlight their achievements on a global scale. As part of its 100th year anniversary, people from 18-80 can nominate themselves, a friend, or a loved one to participate and let their talents, accomplishments, and legacy shine as a light to be a beacon of inspiration for the whole of UAE to follow in their footsteps.

CITIZEN aims to find one unsung hero who can share their story similar to the stories shared by the #MyBetterStartsNow influencers including Atlantic rowing record breaker, Katie Pattison Hart; Reem Al Marzouqi, inventor of a unique car for the people of determination, Diaa Alaam, a calligraphy artist who has become a custodian of the Arabic calligraphy, and Simerjeet Singh, a global motivational speaker and performance coach.

Share your heartwarming story today at www.citizen-me.com/mybetterstartsnow.

You can also follow CITIZEN’S “Better Starts Now” campaign at the following social media channels:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/mycitizen

Deadline to submit your entry for the competition is by March 15, 2019.  All finalists will receive a CITIZEN time-piece and the grand winner will be given Dh 25,000 to be donated to their charity or cause of choice.


Staff Report

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