“It’s about choosing joy.”
There’s a new hit series taking the world by storm and it’s not your typical one! ‘Tidying up with Marie Kondo’ is a Netflix series that features inspiring home makeovers which empowers viewers to keep their places tidy.
Advocating “The KonMari Method,” a room-by-room or little-by-little approach, the show’s host Marie Kondo is a tidying expert, author of the best-selling book ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying’ and founder of KonMari Media, Inc.
The KonMari Method is an approach where tidying up is done by category, and not by location. Here are the six basic rules of tidying, according to the method.
1. Commit yourself to tidying up.
Nothing will ever get done if there’s no commitment. The first rule in tidying up is to commit in doing the act. Promise yourself that you will do everything in your power, whatever it may take, to get it done. These may include exerting a lot of effort and sacrificing your time.
2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle.
Always remember: Your goal will lead you to the right path. Try imagining your ideal lifestyle and keep reminding yourself why you want to tidy up. Think of the life that yosu will live in once you have finished.
3. Finish discarding first.
Storing everything up is one of the major reasons why you won’t finish tidying up. Declutter your place by discarding items that are unnecessary. Putting things away can also help you focus on sorting the things that are left.

4. Tidy by category, not by location.
Tidying up by location may make you end up stuck in a vicious circle of tidying. This is because there is a tendency that you will keep on repeating the same work in many locations. You may sort by your stuff into categories such as books, clothes, footwear, and all other items in your home.
5. Follow the right order.
Marie Kondo suggests tidying up while following the right order. What is the right order? Start with your clothes first, then books and papers, and lastly, miscellaneous and sentimental items. Sentimental items are intended to be decluttered the last since there is a high probability that you will spend a lot of time looking at the items while reminiscing attached memories.
6. Ask yourself if it sparks joy.
This is the most important rule in the KonMari method. When tidying up, you are not just deciding what to throw away, you are also choosing what to keep. Keep the things that make you happy when you see it.