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Mrs. Universe Philippines Foundation Middle East celebrates beauty, intelligence, and philanthropic spirit of Married OFW women

The Mrs. Universe Philippines Foundation Middle East held a dazzling pageant at the prestigious Khalidia Palace Hotel on June 29, 2024, celebrating the beauty, intelligence, and philanthropic spirit of married women in the region. The event culminated in the crowning of Vevherly Gador as the Grand Winner, with Diana Jane Nicolas De Guzman named 1st Runner Up, Boshra Abdulla as 2nd Runner Up, Izume Niwa as 3rd Runner Up, and Maryvic Escalante Fernandez as 4th Runner Up.

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The Mrs. Universe Philippines Foundation Middle East pageant aims to empower married women, providing them with a platform to showcase their talents, advocate for important causes, and inspire others through their dedication to community service and charitable efforts.

Vevherly Gador’s victory was celebrated by an enthusiastic audience, and she expressed her gratitude and excitement for the journey ahead. “I am honored to represent the Mrs. Universe Philippines Foundation Middle East and look forward to using this platform to make a positive impact in our communities,” said Gador.

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The pageant also highlighted the charitable initiatives that the foundation supports in Dubai. Through various fundraising activities and community outreach programs, the Mrs. Universe Philippines Foundation Middle East is committed to giving back to the community and making a difference in the lives of those in need.

Diana Jane Nicolas De Guzman, the 1st Runner Up, emphasized the importance of unity and support among women. “This pageant is not just about beauty; it’s about sisterhood, empowerment, and making a difference together,” she stated.

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Boshra Abdulla, Izume Niwa, and Maryvic Escalante Fernandez also expressed their enthusiasm for contributing to the foundation’s charitable endeavors and using their titles to promote positive change.

The event was a resounding success, thanks to the support of sponsors, partners, and the dedicated team behind the Mrs. Universe Philippines Foundation Middle East. The foundation extends its heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in making the pageant a memorable and impactful event.

About Mrs. Universe Philippines Foundation Middle East:

The Mrs. Universe Philippines Foundation Middle East is dedicated to empowering married women and promoting charitable causes in the region. Through pageants, community service, and various outreach programs, the foundation aims to make a positive impact and inspire women to achieve their fullest potential.

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