ABS-CBN has announced the launch of a new game show to temporarily replace the noontime program “It’s Showtime” as it serves the 12-day suspension imposed by the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) on the show.
Beginning today, October 14, “It’s Your Lucky Day” will be aired during the afternoon timeslot of It’s Showtime until October 27.
According to ABS-CBN, the new show will be hosted by Luis Manzano, along with co-hosts Robi Domingo, actress Jennica Garcia, and host/comedienne Melai Cantiveros.
Earlier this week, ABS-CBN stated that it will not appeal to the MTRCB’s decision to suspend “It’s Showtime.”
“We respect the authority of MTRCB, but we humbly maintain that the program did not break any pertinent law. Our heartfelt thanks to our viewers for their unwavering love and support for ‘It’s Showtime,’ which will return on October 28 stronger and better than ever,” ABS-CBN said in a statement.
On the last episode before the suspension, the hosts bid farewell to the Madlang Pipol before going off the air for 12 days. All of the show’s hosts were on stage, except for Vice Ganda and Ion Perez.
Vhong Navarro spoke on behalf of the group, encouraging viewers to support “It’s Your Lucky Day” and to do the same upon the return of “It’s Showtime” on October 28.
“At kami naman po sa aming pagbabalik Oct. 28. Kaya Madlang Pipol, mami-miss namin kayo. We’ll be right back pero mabilis lang yan. Kita-kita tayo uli. This is our show, our time, It’s Showtime,” Vhong said before closing the show.