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Jay Sonza detained due to estafa, large scale illegal recruitment- NBI 

The National Bureau of Investigation has confirmed to ABS-CBN News that former television host Jay Sonza has been turned over to their custody after being detained and arrested by the Bureau of Immigration.

The BI arrested Soza two weeks ago according to a report by ABS-CBN.

NBI Assistant Director Glenn Ricarte said that Sonza was on his way to Hong Kong but was stopped by immigration officials after finding out that Sonza has a pending estafa case against him.

The BI said then temporarily detained him due to an active warrant for syndicated and large scale illegal recruitment.

Sonza was transferred to the NBI’s custody, until he was later turned over to the BJMP.

Sonza was already in talks with his lawyer when he was detained at the Immigration Bureau. Sonza was also told that he could not post bail for large scale illegal recruitment.

The former TV host was an active social media personality but was drawing flak due to false information and misinformation.

Staff Report

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