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Mall of Asia’s ‘stolen’ globe a publicity stunt for Netflix’s Red Notice

A 59-second video of the stolen globe of SM Mall of Asia forms part of the promotional trailer of Netflix film Red Notice.

The movie stars Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Gal Gadot, and Ryan Reynolds. The video was posted on Netflix’s Facebook page on Sunday to give clues on who “stole” the globe.

“A masquerade mask was found onsite. This is marked as crucial evidence as it could lead authorities to the suspects,” said the trailer.

It later revealed that the “MoA globe is back.”

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The globe which was rumored to have been stolen is however under maintenance.

Earlier Netizen Chester Tangonan shared a video on Facebook that the globe was stolen following which the mall said in a statement that it is working with authorities over the incident.

“SM Mall of Asia is currently working with authorities in investigating the MoA globe incident,” the statement said.

“With our security measures in place, rest assured that SM Mall of Asia continues to be a safe place for family and friends,” it added. (AW)

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