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Cheaper airfares in October as fuel surcharge drops – CAB

Air passengers can expect lower fares in October as the fuel surcharge for domestic and international flights will be reduced, according to the Department of Transportation on Wednesday, Sept. 18.

The Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) announced that the fuel surcharge for October will be set at Level 4, down from Level 5 in September.

The fuel surcharge is an optional fee that airlines can charge to offset fuel costs, based on the monthly average price of jet fuel.

At Level 4, airlines can charge between P117 and P342 per passenger for one-way domestic flights, depending on distance, compared to P151 to P542 at Level 5.

For international flights, the fuel surcharge will range from P385 to P2,867.82. CAB stated that airlines intending to impose the fuel surcharge for October must submit an application, ensuring that rates do not exceed the Level 4 cap.

AirAsia Philippines welcomed the reduction, expecting it to boost travel demand as the holiday season approaches.

“This adjustment will make airfare more affordable, giving travelers a chance to plan their holiday trips,” the airline said.

Earlier in September, CAB had already reduced the fuel surcharge from Level 6 to Level 5.

Staff Report

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