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US restaurant staff gets $16,000 tip for $37 bill from diner

June 12 turned out to be a lucky day for the staff of a Londonderry restaurant in New Hampshire, when a diner ‘knowingly’ left a whopping $16,000 tip on his $37.93 bill.

When Michael Zarella, owner of the Stumble Inn Bar and Grill, asked whether the tip amount was a mistake, the customer simply replied “don’t spend it all in one place.”

The restaurant owner then divided the $16,000 tip equally between the eight bartenders who were on duty on that day.

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Zarella described the customer, who chose to remain anonymous, as someone who visited them for a month. The restaurant owner said that the customer had confirmed his intention to give this money and still continued to visit the bar.

The restaurant had been earlier closed for a few months during the pandemic. It recently reopened its doors for indoor dining since May 1. (AW)

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