When the Al Ras and Naif area were placed under heightened restrictions by the Dubai’s Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management, several rumors and unverified videos spread throughout WhatsApp and social media including one which alleged a man having the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) experiencing an epileptic seizure, which was later debunked by the Dubai Media Office.
Long-time Dubai resident Max Stanton, popularly known as @maxofarabia on Instagram, shared exactly what’s happening within Naif as he documented how the Dubai authorities conduct the intensified sterilization drive.
He showed how volunteers were helping out deliver goods, including food and other necessities.
“They getting food to be spread out to those who are in need inside Naif. They’re setting up the trucks and then it’s going to be distributed around the area – a teamwork of volunteers,” shares Max.
MaxOfArabia also showed the sanitation trucks that go around the area 24/7 to ensure that all areas are clean: “They keep on going around and around, making sure that all the streets are completely sterilized.”
He assured the public that all residents are being taken care of, having seen one person on a wheelchair who intended to get out – but was given an assurance by the authorities that whatever he needs will be given to him.
“He was on a wheelchair and he was saying he wants to leave. The policeman stopped and said – anything you need, medicine, food, whatever you need, we’ll bring it to your doorstep. I swear they’re taking care of everyone here.”
MaxOfArabia likewise spoke to an official who hopes other residents would stop spreading rumors: “I’d like to send a message, a very important message to everybody: What’s happening here in Naif is solidarity between Emiratis and Expats from all nations. Everybody is helping each other – this is for their benefit. I think the best important thing is we should not spread rumors, we follow news from official sources not from WhatsApp because UAE’s law especially for the crime which is spreading rumors is very harsh. Please don’t spread rumors. Be smart, be safe.”
Watch the full video here: